A Guide to Using the Correct Social Media Logos

SocialMediaBrandingToday it’s standard practice for businesses to list their social networks (facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.) on their marketing materials. Did you know that each social network has guidelines for its logo? These guidelines include what logo version you should and should not be using, and the proper way to display it. This is called a Branding Guideline and almost every business has one. For example, Twitter is commonly misrepresented with the small ‘t’ square logo. The small ‘t’ logo is not the official Twitter logo and according to Twitter’s Branding Guidelines, it should not be used. Twitter is very specific (as all Branding Guidelines are).  Only the Twitter bird icon should be used when representing Twitter. It’s important to research the Branding Guidelines for logos included in your marketing material to make sure you are using them correctly. The proper use of logos is a contributor to making your marketing materials look current and up-to-date. Here is a list of links to the most commonly used social networks, and their Branding Guidelines:

facebook: https://www.facebookbrand.com/guidelines?asset=2&media=1,2,3
twitter: https://about.twitter.com/company/brand-assets
instagram: https://www.instagram-brand.com/
pinterest: https://business.pinterest.com/en-gb/brand-guidelines


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